Lol, it's like finding shitty Easter eggs
Nope. And especially in this instance as it is directly refutes the praise that the op was giving. Sorry, programming won't let me keep quiet on hypocrisy.
I'll take blahaj over HB in a heartbeat, but Ada did the exact same thing to lemmynsfw.
Some folks refuse to believe there are different levels of dysphoria. Like so many things, it's a spectrum.
Fuckin' ludicrous. Absolutely fuckin' ridiculous. Where was this restraint with lemmynsfw? Where was the "wait and mull things over" there? Why shoot from the hip in one instance and hold fire on the other one? Goddamn, the hypocrisy is palpable.
They were a garbage cut of meat that were tossed to the freed slaves of the south, and as black folk do, they turned it into a delicious snack with spices and seasonings. As culture desegregated, it became a trendy dish and that drove the prices up on what was once a trash cut.
Any device or software that allows people to communicate is going to be used for hook-ups. It's etched into the machine code at the heart of the internet.
"Even if every user report was wrong from now until infinity, that initial CSAM suspicion, because of the false user report, probably makes moderating just a soul-crushing activity."
Then they shouldn't be doing it. If seeing something that looks even slightly off-putting causes this level of over-reaction, Ada doesn't need to be moderating a community for marginalized/at-risk people. I myself am a CSA survivor, and seeing my trauma being equated to some legal adults playing pretend is fuckin' bullshit. Seeing my trauma being equated to drawn pictures is fuckin' bullshit. My trauma being equated to AI generated shit is fuckin' bullshit. I'll tell you one thing, as a CSA kid, one thing I cannot stand is someone making decisions on my behalf. To protect me. Fuck you, I'll fuckin bite anyone that tries to take away my free agency again.
That and the lack of humility afterwards make for a poor leader.
Yeah, so this is my account on here, here to tell you that Ada banned the above account for calling them out. Someone who responds to criticism by lashing out like that does NOT need to be administrating an instance for marginalized people. That is a recipe for disaster. Making sweeping changes with no regard to community opinions, banning people who disagree with you, shit. I think I definitely made the right choice to pick a different instance. The lemmyverse needs an instance for lgbt+ folk that isn't run by little dictators in training. So go ahead and ban this account too. Let them see how fragile you really are.
Edit: more telling that they are more concerned with censoring criticism than the bigoted comments in this thread 🤣
They have stated as much, and are open to refederating once the mod tools can handle the influx of people joining instances with open sign-ups. Side effect of the reddit refugee crisis.
I'm surprised they let you have a keyboard.