Get offline, and simplify. Start doing things that are good for you. There is yet joy to come.
It's the investors and shareholders who want their money multiplied, they are to blame. When it comes time to take heads, remember the shareholders and (their hatchet man) the CEO.
We demand infinite growth. Why? Because shareholders want to buy shares and sell them later for more.
Do anything it takes to make that transaction happen, cut people's jobs en masse, whatever.
This is the newest form of slavery. Subtle.
Can't remember the last time I was on Twitter. Turns out I don't need it. Turns out I'm just a little happier without it.
I had the impression that people running for office in Mexico were being assassinated a lot, if she is real force for good then I hope she's safe
Man, the internet archive is one of the good sites that's not a puke gobbling corporate, can we direct attacks to someone worthy of the heat instead?
Jesus Christ, can we leave things alone that aren't infinitely growing
The thing is that this guy is not the head of a public company where shareholders demand massive and continually growing profits. So he acts in the interests of the consumer, the customer, the gamer. But if this was a public company, shareholders would buy shares and then demand he do something to grow that share price, so they can sell the shares later for profit.
When that happens we see that CEOs do everything they can to maximize profits, like promising release dates in earnings calls.
The difference between private and public companies is the single biggest threat to us all because as soon as the company acts in the exclusive interest of profit, everything else gets fucked. And most do.
That means employees, customers, everyone. Only the 1% benefit from the gutting of everyone else.
Merry Christmas to all those families!
Yes, we had record profits but our CEO has the job of raising the share price so that investors can buy and sell higher, so we have to find more profits somewhere.
You understand.
Just as they announced their profitable quarter.
This isn't to "Save costs". It's to further boost profits at any measure, which is what publically traded companies want. Happy investors.
I'm really enjoying Bluesky strangely enough, not normally my thing.