In his essay "To Tell a Chemist" (1965), Asimov proposed a simple shibboleth for distinguishing chemists from non-chemists: ask the person to read the word "unionized". Chemists, he noted, will read un-ionized (electrically neutral), while non-chemists will read union-ized (belonging to a trade union).
Well, presumably more than a few dozen light years away. A few dozen lightyears is nothing on a cosmic scale.
Yes how is the text supposed to for?
Had to say goodbye to my cat this weekend.
The past month or so, he'd become very demanding for attention in the middle of the day, crawling all over the desk and nibbling at my hands if they were typing or using the mouse rather than loving on him.
Every day at almost the same time. And I gave him what he wanted every time.
My Monday would certainly be better if he was still doing it.
Did some checking, out of curiosity.
And yeah. Interesting as hell.
We recorded 65 dBSPL (dB of sound pressure level) ultrasonic sounds 4 inches (10 cm) from tomato and tobacco plants, implying that these sounds could be detected by some organisms from up to several feet (meters) away.
Did some searching. The paper from 2019 that discussed this -
We recorded 65 dBSPL (dB of sound pressure level) ultrasonic sounds 4 inches (10 cm) from tomato and tobacco plants, implying that these sounds could be detected by some organisms from up to several feet (meters) away.
Seriously. I NEVER know what she had for breakfast.
Omg lol
'Query runs much quicker with 10 million fewer rows, Dave.'
Also true that Biden cancelled it in his first months in office... Who knows how long it takes to get fully up to speed on everything bad we have going on?
Also Also true that it started and ran longer under a different regime.
Something I haven't seen in the comments but is very important to the equation.... Louisville has a very messed up bussing situation and has for years.
I'm not SUPER aware of the details, but that's because I live on the southern Indiana side of the river (just miles away from Louisville). My wife moved over here years ago specifically to avoid this issue for her kid before he was in the school system.
Louisville has a long standing policy where there is some sort of lottery that chooses what school you go to, rather than your school being determined by your nearest available.
The idea was clearly based on good intentions... to ensure that kids from any neighborhood would have the same opportunities, etc etc.
However, in reality it is a nightmare. Louisville isn't the largest metro area or the most sprawling, but still, trying to bus students from every school to every part of the county is ridiculous.
I think they made some changes in the past few years to make it easier to get a closer school, but again I'm not super up to date on it because it doesn't affect me other than the bus routes being an issue every year and hearing about it on the local news.
It's gotten worse and worse over the years though.
Again, I'm sure there are much more informed people with better info on this out there, but until they jump in I figured I'd add some pertinent info since this isn't a local lemmy community.
I'm pretty sure this is exactly what happened.
If you don't test for it, it WILL rear its ugly head again.