[-] GenericPseudonym@lemy.lol 5 points 2 days ago

Femboys are you going to roads and stormwater done for the Junior Civil Engineer position to be done in the opportunity to apply for the Junior Civil Engineer position to be done in the opportunity to apply for the Junior Civil Engineer....

Not difficult to guess that I was job hunting recently lol.

[-] GenericPseudonym@lemy.lol 1 points 1 month ago

How does this relate to the article? The article mentions immigrants, but race wasn't specifically mentioned.

[-] GenericPseudonym@lemy.lol 2 points 2 months ago

We play this game in South Africa too. Not because it snows, but because the lines don't get repainted soon enough even if they're completely faded. And instead of snow ploughs, we have taxis (the minibus versions) that just drive wherever and however they want.

[-] GenericPseudonym@lemy.lol 62 points 7 months ago

I know we're not on people's radar like the three you mentioned, but South Africa also had general elections this year.

The long reigning party lost their majority for the first time since 1994, so the coalition talks were a big deal for a few weeks.


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