[-] BroChiMinh 2 points 3 months ago

You missing the part where some people still have to use Chrome for certain things?

That might just be a question of the User Agent being sent with requests, i.e. a lot of apps / websites were coded up with the assumption that Firefox / Gecko does not support certain features (which is mostly nonsense). Switching the user agent to Chrom(e|ium) resolves the issue most of the time.

[-] BroChiMinh 29 points 6 months ago

Nestlé, Amazon, Coca Cola, Mars & its associates, Mondelez ("Kraft" for the 'muricans). I try to avoid basically any corporation greedy enough to go against human rights in the name of profits.

[-] BroChiMinh 6 points 9 months ago

~~Dual booting~~ windows is a waste of disk space

There, fixed that for you.

[-] BroChiMinh 2 points 9 months ago

Well, think of the poor CEO... /s


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