[-] BNE 21 points 11 months ago

It's raw footage, homie.

[-] BNE 42 points 1 year ago

A badge of honor.

To be held in esteem by Israel - at any point in its history - is a deep stain on any reputation to put it mildly. Anyone with humanity is an enemy to fascists and ethnostates.

[-] BNE 21 points 1 year ago

Australia still supports Israel to the hilt. Settler-colonies prop each other up.

Don't fall for this.

[-] BNE 21 points 1 year ago

Literally happened to me. I went back to my primary school for work experience - I had the incredible pleasure of being placed with a teacher who had inspired me a lot as a younger kid.

I'll never forget. One time at lunch, she just sat down with me on duty and said in the most soul deep tired voice I've heard "is this what you want?". Don't think she said a word after. Woke me right up.

It's criminal what we've done to our education system.

[-] BNE 34 points 2 years ago

Legitimately wild for the Pope to point blank call the US regressive.

Not out of hypocrisy (though, yeah - solidarity with survivors and the colonised) - but because he was actually really justified in what he said to reach that.

Wild. Absolutely wild. The US is so comically bad faith a society even the pope can eloquate why it's awful.

[-] BNE 20 points 2 years ago

Because the people benefiting from its brokenness aren't ready to stop salting the earth for numbers.

[-] BNE 21 points 2 years ago

Here's hoping Queensland has the spine to say the same thing about the Olympics.

They want to bulldoze a 100 year old primary school so they can knock down a stadium we already have - to build a new one worth 2.7 billion in exactly the same place. Meanwhile, our rents are going crazy as locals get forced out of their support networks, there's rough sleepers being displaced and at times outright attacked by the states support workers, our education system is now decades underfunded and the health system isn't far behind.

We didn't ask for the Olympics. The campaign was a businessmans vanity project. It's insane to shoulder the burden of that frivolity right now.

[-] BNE 21 points 2 years ago

Depends - is anyone reading The Sun?

[-] BNE 120 points 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago)

New normal, folks. So begins the era of climate migration.

A reminder that this is why we should never tolerate selfishness. We're now largely screwed because we, as a species, valued our individual comfort over expert research.

We knew what we needed to do - but no, profits. Such a dumb way to die.

[-] BNE 26 points 2 years ago

One anecdotal chime in: I dropped the Zuck for a year and gradually realised that my city runs all its cultural events through Facebook - unless you know or someone invites you, that was pretty much it.

I think I did miss out on meeting new people or seeing old friends by chance, simply because I didn't know to turn up somewhere for a gig or whatever - and the old addage has some truth imo; often you just need to be in the right place at the right time for things to happen.

submitted 2 years ago by BNE to c/brisbane@aussie.zone

Personally, I think it's a really cool craft - there's a lot of technique and know-how just to control a can properly, let alone to pull off a composed piece or calligraphy. Some people do learn their basics on the fly for sure but I think it's a gift to the public when writers are given space to perfect their art.

Calling it broadly cultural is a bit wanky in some respects, but I think it is! In some ways, I think it's similar to why here is so interesting. Given the risks of participating and the lack of any kind of tangible reward outside recognition from other people involved, this/it exists largely because people've decided they want it to; and I think that's a pretty special thing imo - especially as a niche in our cultural ecosystem.

Anyway, just a little enthusiastic rant - I think graff' and street art represent a really neat subsection of our cities latent underground 'come-as-you-are' DIY culture. We have a pretty strong tradition in this respect, but it's only really something you hear about when the older cohorts start yarning (we never write anything down about ourselves here, I swear).

Like over the last couple of years I've increasingly noticed we only really celebrate our alt and DIY cultures once they're about 20-30 years passed and someone personally cared enough to keep artifacts from when they were around - like with that 80s-90s DIY punk-gig poster exhibition put on at the State Library a little while back. All stuff made on photocopiers and stapled to power poles during the Bjelke-Petersen years, someone just kept a bunch of them and bam - an admittedly really interesting exhibition. Nothing gets to be around long enough to be appreciated - so we never really learn who's doing what and how good it is until its been scraped off or firebombed unless you already knew, you know?

Point being, I reckon it would be really cool to deliberately subvert our cities de-facto culture of waiting until something's gone to appreciate it! Small steps, but I think it'd be cool to try building a bit of that culture in here.

TL;DR, what do we think? I get around the city a bit and every now and again I see a new work I think is cool or interesting. Would people be interested in seeing stuff like that on the sub? Like snapshots of the art being made in our city.

This's a community, thought I'd ask first - we're all figuring out what this place and our feed wants to look like. Unless people say otherwise, I think I'll just put things up as I see 'em. Would be really cool to see what's being made in parts of the city/suburbs I don't usually pass by if anyone else wants to join in! Lets appreciate our cool shit IRL!

[-] BNE 20 points 2 years ago

I think suspicion is the absolute least we can react with to a soulless megacorp like Meta.

Honestly? I think defederating from them is wise. In some ways, I think this is kind of like the tolerance paradox; we're open and tolerant but we know the second Meta smells money or power they'll betray that tolerance, so do we show them tolerance knowing how they'll exploit us?

I don't think we should. Don't let them sack the commons.

submitted 2 years ago by BNE to c/nostupidquestions@lemmy.world

Given that threads is aping Mastodon, could they come after front ends here? Or is this just megacorp slap fighting/ an unexpected (but maybe predictable) outcome of the Twitter staff purges?

[-] BNE 57 points 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago)

Yeah, not a fan of the ominous shadow threads™️ casts. I don't trust them not to flood the fediverse with assorted toxic garbage to push people back towards their walled garden platforms.

The fediverse offers something radical - a new shot at genuine self determination and a socialised, self-governing internet. That shit spells B-A-D N-E-W-S for incumbent platforms (imo) and they're bad actors in general; they wouldn't think twice about smothering anything that threatens their short/long term profits. Who'se going to stop them?

Might be a little bit overly risk concious but goddamn. If I were them, I'd be trying to kill alternative ecosystems before they grew - especially if mine (metas) is both trash to use, and be used by.

Bean discourse rule (lemmy.blahaj.zone)
submitted 2 years ago by BNE to c/196
submitted 2 years ago by BNE to c/brisbane@aussie.zone

Man, 4zzz is a gift - and happy NAIDOC, y'all!

rule (lemmy.blahaj.zone)
submitted 2 years ago by BNE to c/196

but, like, not in the empire way

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