And yet another.
This makes more sense when you look at conservatives as a whole. They're by far the largest consumers of sports, sports betting, and are hyper-competitive - they'll do anything to win.
Just go to any youth sports event and just observe who is doing what. The parents that are doing nothing but positive cheering for their team (and even congratulating the other team on a genuinely good play) look like your stereotypical NPR mom/dad. The ones screaming, coaching from the sidelines, complaining the "ref is fucking us", are all the same stereotypical conservatives sporting a goatee, karen cut, oakleys, and tacticool tshirts promoting warrior mentality.
For them, loss is weakness. Aggression is strength. The only way they'll even come close to admitting they fucked up is couching in a way that lets them save face. They'll blame someone or something else. Never themselves.
You can't lose if you never accept the final score.
There are a lot of people who prioritize convenience above all else. Why go shop at a butcher, baker, green grocer, and a liquor store when you can go to one place and get it all? Doesn't matter that the separate entities are specialized and therefore more knowledgeable about the product vs. Walmart where asking an employee is the most useless thing ever.
Same with social media or things like Google. People are lazy. Why shop around when Facebook gives you everything? Why learn how to use the address bar when Google will do the work for you.
So the fediverse goes against that in that it asks users to actually think for a moment about things and requires them to shop around... which, that's just too much work for the average person.
Eternal September
Also to add, there is an unfortunate number of Liberals who are quickly walking back any support for trans folk.
And don't forget the army of enabling and validating mouthbreathers who buy that he's a genius, when he's really a fraud at every level. If it wasn't for Daddy's Money, he'd be a stereotypical stoner who works part time at some low wage job only to spend most of his time sucking at gaming.
And the bat boy was still holding it.
Technology Connections posted a very great video about this recently. Algorithms are breaking how people think and lulling them into complacency, losing the ability to think, research, discern.