While you're correct, it's just a clunky term. I think some other way to refer to the whole thing will probably come along soon, and in a few years, people will regard saying fediverse the same way we look back on people talking about "surfing the information superhighway" or whatever.
Radical dude
Get federated!!!
I would love it if we just went all early 1990s and started saying "hello Internet!" or something beautifully corny like that.
In the end activitypub is a standard recognized by the W3C, so it would be kind of accurate.
Definitely a clunky term. It will be interesting to see what the feds come up with. Lets see if that catches on :-D
Seriously, I'm sure something good will emerge.
🙄 pedantic much
Sticking to true Reddit fashion lol
I think it's more like saying, "I saw this on my phone," or, "I was on the computer and read," which are both entirely reasonable.
It's just stating what format you were using when you saw it. Like, "I was scrolling through Google News and read..." What you actually read was an article hosted on a different website, but you were using the platform of Google News to read it. It's the same kind of thing as saying, "I read on Lemmy," because you were browsing Lemmy when you read something.
It's not wrong to say that these things are on this site. I often specify Lemmy.World because that's the instance that I use and other Fediverse sites function slightly differently. That's one of the both great and annoying things about the Fediverse is how every instance is slightly different. I'll say, "I was on Lemmy.World and..." I don't know, saw a post, made a post, had trouble because mod controls are minimal over here, whatever. Saying, "On the Fediverse," is more generic. It's usually considered best convention to go with more SPECIFIC terms than generic. I consider using my Mastadon account and using my Lemmy account to be different, but they're both on the Fediverse. I would feel really weird talking about my Mastadon account in the same terms as my Lemmy.World one since I use the two platforms completely differently.
But you are posting on a Kbin thread right now, not a Lemmy thread. So you're not "on Lemmy World" when you're viewing this thread.
it’s more correct to say they’re on lemmy than kbin though… they are interacting through lemmy: kbin is literally irrelevant to them
… and that’s kinda the point of the fediverse isn’t it? you shouldn’t care where something is stored, and if you don’t care where it’s stored then you have only 1 way to refer to the space: the client by which you’re viewing it
people referring to it as “lemmy” or “kbin” or “mastodon” is the fediverse working as intended, and that’s good news!
(it’s also much better marketing for us! people search fediverse and they get a bunch of random descriptions about what it is… people search lemmy/kbin and at least they have a join button)
You're absolutely right, presenting an awesome website first and allowing the true nature of the fediverse to sneak up on people is a great way to handle it. Even if someone learns about the fediverse as a whole first somehow, they'll need to figure out what 'portal' into it makes the most sense anyway.
No. I am on Lemmy.World right now viewing a KBin thread. My entire interaction here is through Lemmy.World and not KBin. So for me to say, "I was on KBin arguing with someone," would be factually incorrect because I am not on KBin. It would be factually correct to say, "I was on the Fediverse arguing with someone," but since the Fediverse has different forms, that interaction itself could take several forms and context does sometimes matter. There's nothing wrong with the more generic The Fediverse, but there's also nothing wrong with stating which instance you're using to be more specific.
But the person you were arguing with wasn't arguing with you on Lemmy.world, so that's misleading on where the argument was taking place.
If someone took you at your word and looked on Lemmy.world in specific, they would not be able to find the argument in question, because it was taking place in a Kbin.social thread.
They absolutely would be able to find it on Lemmy.world. Here's a link to this very argument: https://lemmy.world/comment/971144
Note that is on Lemmy.World. That's part of why the Fediverse is great. You can find this argument which you're engaging on KBin and I'm engaging on Lemmy.World on any similarly connected Fediverse site.
Maybe it's even more like "I got an outlook message" instead of "I got an email". Since email is an analog of ActivityPub. Just that people are not used yet to the fact that social media can be interoperable like email, so "saw on lemmy" carries different connotations. It should not, however.
Anecdotically, I have an old frendlica account too, from times of diaspora, and it's now very lively, so I saw this post on frendlica too.
Personally I think "fediverse" is a stupid fucking name. I'm tired of "-verses". I'll keep saying kbin, thanks.
No 😠 you are not allowed! This is FeDiVeRsE!
Seriously tho, OP is dumb as hell lol
The thing is just because something is posted to the fediverse doesn't mean everyone can see it. For example, we don't see most Mastodon posts on Lemmy.
I think the portmanteau "threadiverse" works for this situation and it's what I've been using to refer to anything in the general Lemmy/kbin side of the fediverse, but I think people just referring to the platform is inevitable. People talk about posts "on Mastodon" even though there's like 15 different services you can use to post to the blogging side of the fediverse, like Pleroma, pump.io, etc. It's worth thinking about in situations where you're like "Hi Lemmy" because you're definitely talking to more than just Lemmy, but any time you're talking about your personal experience of where you saw a thread I think it's perfectly accurate to use the name of that platform rather than having to say you saw it "on the fediverse".
Threadiverse? 🤨 We found zuck's alt, y'all. Just kidding 😁
Busted! I have been thinking about how "threadiverse" is complicated a lot by Threads existing. It could easily mean "the part of the fediverse that is attached to Threads" (uppercase) rather than "the part of the fediverse that revolves around threads" (lowercase). Maybe we already need a new name. Eggheadiverse?
Actually it’s “GNU/Linux”…
Dude, fediverse is the whole system linking everything together and lemmy/kbin/mastodon is the platform within it. So refer it as fediverse IS saying you saw a post from the internet.
I think your opinion is pretty ignorant
Ok but telling others of the specific platform I use is still useful, like if somebody doesn‘t know what a computer is it helps them to hear in Windows or Mac cause then they know what computers there are.
Referring to a post on "Lemmy" or "kbin" is like saying you saw a post on your Windows or Mac computer.
That's not how language works. Language evolves naturally and in this scenario people would instantly know that the user had seen something on a fediverse platform without having to use another awful '-verse' word.
Likewise you can't police how people use language. People use whatever makes understanding for both sides easiest on both sides
If someone logs into a website called Kbin and sees something interesting, it's fair to say 'I saw something interesting on Kbin' without having to give unnecessary explanations about what the fediverse is.
And once again, no one likes the word fediverse...
I personally like to call it "Fedi". I was reading a post / thread on Fedi and it said...
If someone asked where exactly it was I would mention the platform.
And in my opinion, everyone should be mentioning the name of the platform they are on. Because when you mention what software or server you used, it promotes it to non Fediverse people. And it also tells current Fediverse users about other Fedi platforms that they may like, and didn't know about.
That's how I found Misskey, and it's quite cool.
So many options to explore, and try out interfaces that may work better for you.
We are all on the Fediverse, we all should be promoting that in any way we can.
Share, educate and take pride in our diverse community.
If I was browsing Reddit and saw an interesting video, I might tell someone "I saw an interesting video on Reddit the other day" even if the video itself was hosted on YouTube. The technical detail of exactly where and how the video is hosted is not relevant to the conversation. The listener wants to know how I found it, not where it is stored.
The same is true for posts on the fediverse. The various instances are the websites that we browse. The technical detail of how they share content and how it can be accessed from various different routes just isn't important most of the time. If you're a Lemmy user, you're reading the posts on Lemmy and there is nothing wrong with talking about it that way.
If I tell someone I bought a game on Steam or borrowed a book from the library, the fact that they are also available elsewhere doesn't matter. If I tell someone I read something on kbin, does it matter that the same post also exists on different websites? 99% of the time, the answer is 'no'.
New terms may emerge but referring to the platform seems weird, almost ignorant.
I agree, but you've got it upsidedown. The fediverse is the platform that the instances operate on, not vice-versa.
I say "Lemmy" or "Kbin" unless I wanna refer to both then I say the Fediverse.
I like how the Memmy app introduces new users to what the fediverse is and what a server means. I had found that out beforehand but it was still helpful when I downloaded the app today.
I’m new to it all, but it’s so interesting. Now I want to know what else I don’t know about that’s on the web. 👀
I'm not referencing the fediverse, it's stupid. But also, lemmy isn't a great name so I probably just won't mention anything like that.
Reddit Migration
### About Community Tracking and helping #redditmigration to Kbin and the Fediverse. Say hello to the decentralized and open future. To see latest reeddit blackout info, see here: https://reddark.untone.uk/