Playing cozy games at the moment, so potion craft and cozy grove. All bought on the steam sale!
Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age. I'm enjoying it a lot! It has an interesting case of having the main protagonist of the story be a girl, but they opted to make the main character you play and pov of the game from a boy. Probably because that was their target demographic and who they expected to play being made for PS2 originally. I still like most of the characters.
I enjoy the feel of the game, there's a combat system called Gambits where you program your party members to auto attack. Example would be: Heal if HP = <50%, else attack. But like 10 steps to optimise how your party behaves meaning if properly prepared the combat is done automatically while still feeling fulfilling because you made them that smart with your skill build.
The most frustrating thing is people don't really praise 12 among the Final Fantasy fandom, and yet it's probably my favourite mainline so far!
I honestly love FFXII. I'm half tempted to say it's my favorite FF. I think the gambit system should be standard for handling npc party members.
What are your favourites? Because I don't know where to go after XII, and I'm really in a JRPG mood.
FF6,FF8,FF10,FF12,FF15. These are my top 5 not in any particular order.
Still Control, I'm in the AWE DLC. I logged into Star Trek Online but I'm not like, super-motivated for it right now. The Sims is adding ranches on the 20th so I probably won't play until then.
I am thinking about a Stray replay, though.
I've been wanting to play stray and it's on sale at the moment, but I have lots of unfinished games so I'm on the fence. Looks like an amazing game. Not sure I can deal with sad things happening to a cat though.
I enjoy the game. It was very very cute but it is very short. I beat it on two sitting. So around 3-5 hours.
3 hours does seem a bit short, but I'm mostly after short games these days - so might work out well!
@Ni Yeah, it's based on the poor thing getting lost. And there are enemies you've got to outrun and avoid.
I might just give it a try as a palette cleanser because I've been playing exclusively long games lately. It's nice to have a shorter game between those.
How long is the gameplay?
Apparently 5-10 hours. I checked the website
That's not too bad! I've got zero time for 100 hour games these days
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