How do I install the app? Cannot find it on Play
It's a PWA (progressive web app). If you open the site on Chrome, then go to the Settings -> Install page, it should show some instructions on how to add the page to your home screen. Upon doing so, the next time you open it from the newly added icon, it should open in its own window looking like an app as opposed to a tab on Chrome
Voyager, Vger 🖖, Delphi
I like voyager. I’m for it.
The name wefwef is silly but that’s fine with me too. It’s probably silly because I don’t get it.
You could call it TitFart and I’d be stoked as fuck that it exists.
Someone already owns - naming a product can be difficult these days as most common names are taken.
Voyager sounds safer overall, but wefwef is cute and should be kept somewhere
I think a bigger concern would be that Voyager already exists as a Crypto App with a significant amount of downloads.
In the spirit of Apollo, other possible names could be Artemis, Soyuz, Phoebus, Orion, Helios, etc. There’s no shortage of space programs/deities to pick from.
Ez wefwef
For many ppl RIF is Reddit. For me wefwef is Lemmy.
Don't change.
i like wefwef
I prefer Wefwef, especially the dog barking sound. As an alternative I propose Lemlem - which sounds like a dog drinking.
Maybe look and see whether there are other apps by the name first to avoid collision. Seems likely to be a common name.
My vote for wefwef since it‘s unique and snappy.
Voyager does sound cool, and fits the theme of what you’re going for.
But other people mentioning discoverability has me leaning towards keeping the name wefwef. Or come up with an equally unique name.
I like WefWef. like someone else mentioned, it makes me think of a little puppy learning to growl or bark, lol. Mostly though, its6 unique, easy to type, and gloriously well suited to finding via search engines. If you google "wefwef", the top result is your app's Github project, and the next few results are about the app as well. If you change to something like "Voyager", theres an awful lot of competition for those search results. It'll get buried under results about the space project and Star Trek. On a personal level aside from that, I'd vote for staying wefwef myself.
~~But wouldn't that damage your.. brand recognition, so to speak? When someone doesn't know you've changed your name and therefore can't find you, they'll assume you don't exist anymore.~~
Nvm all that, they'll learn. ;)
Voyager sounds way, way better than Wefwef, plus it's in the same theme as Apollo, so that's great!
Voyager 🤘
Voyager is nice
Absolutely. WTF is “wefwef”?
I like Voyager a lot better than the current name.
I like Voyager since it's a web app too, like it can "voyage" to any platform. Or even referring to federation, you can "voyage" between instances.
+1 for Voyager
Voyager sounds good to me.
Yes, wefwef app is brilliant though! But the name puts people off for sure!
why would people care about the name that much? to me it sounds like a linux CLI command. I mean, "grep" is a funky word too... but that doesn't mean I won't use grep when I have to pipe text around in the CLI! what a funny notion, honestly.
What about Artemis? the name of the new NASA moon missions
Since those and this app are a spiritual successor to Apollo
wefwef is now Voyager! Subscribe to !