I appreciate the irony in censoring the person's name with yellow
Peed all over them
I like the fact that they used yellow to censor the username
I'm going to wager that a lot of people exercise their democratic vote exactly like this.
that's why Trump beat Hilary. Six letters to 5. Biden beat Trump because although they have both 5 letters, Biden is lexicographically earlier in the alphabet.
Republicans should run someone called "Bell" to beat Biden.
Bo, Abe, and Bum.
I'm calling our next three presidents!
President in 2050: AAAAA
Maybe people with trypophobia don't like voting at all because they're terrified of those irregular bubble patterns on voting ballots.
The best part is whoever took the pic and censored the user did so with yellow.
The other day I saw a 4 star review that said "I never rate 5 stars" and then had a bunch of positive things to say. Looked at their other reviews and, sure enough, there were a ton of 4 star reviews that started with "I never give 5 stars".
I'm still irrationally angry about. Like, why?! Why fuck up the rating system? Are you worried about star inflation?
Probably the "nothing is perfect" mentality, which doesn't understand that 5 stars or a 10/10 doesn't mean something is perfect because, as they said, nothing is. All ratings are there to be used!
If you give them too many free stars they get lazy and stop trying.
Yep I just had the worst sushi of my life from a place with 4.4 stars. Best place in the city is 4.8. Definitely star inflation
Shit like that is exactly why so many places don't use stars anymore.
Elon is that you?
Oh god it just hit me that we’re in for a category 6 shitstorm when he turns senile
Such a peculiar point of view!
4 gray stars because it's gray...t.
Lol.. I hate this product but I love yellow! This is a bad review!
Or, just not rate?
Yeah, yellow is a shit colour.
If the color of your shit is yellow, you should probably see a doctor.
Mines turquoise like it should be.
Lay off the Air Heads. You're out of control.™
I feel like this is copy pasta material. Time will tell.
Old People Facebook
The sublemmy for "Old People Facebook" is a curated space showcasing the charming, confusing, and often hilarious social media endeavors of the older generation. From accidental memes and cryptic status updates to endearing attempts at using modern technology, this sublemmy celebrates the unique ways seniors engage with the digital world.