And until very recently, Michael Jackson was unambiguously correct.
Until very recently, this kind of exchange was the entire point of the character. Which was a fantastically useful distinction between presentation and internal state. Young Bridget literally fought to be treated as a boy in a dress. Parents can gender a wardrobe, but not their child's brain.
Dudes attracted regardless had to learn to deal with it. Surprise, you'll like anybody who's cute as fuck. But now that's just... straight. How boring.
I do not view this change as positive. Recontextualizing the internet's most prominent femboy as trans is worse for both groups. This is a character that got she/her'd all the damn time, and politely corrected people. In some sense Bridget was assigned female at birth. At no point was Bridget's gender identity in question.
And I'm still half-expecting to catch hands for saying so... no matter how much caution or context is involved. Like twenty years of championing a non-gender-conforming queer icon are retroactively hateful and oppressive, because the creator tried to do better and whiffed.