Lpt: pretend you're a frail old person so then you get more tips whwn people feel bad.
"Couldn't even tip I was so upset"
Haha I was going to comment the same thing. Delivery took too long 🤣
I bought a 4 plex apartment building, hoping it can pay itself off before my parents and certain other indigent family members need it. I don't want them moving in with me.
For the OGs here, this is what George W. Bush would call "uniquely American" with pride. The rest of us...not so much pride.
We are into shit stage capitalism.
And for some reason people still refuse to unionize :(
The amazon warehouse near me went for a union vote, and they voted against it 🙃
I almost took a day off work just to go yell at them, but decided against it.
I'm sorry to hear that. Are you ok?
I'd blame a lot of this on the destruction of our communal living patterns. We used to live in extended family groups. It was reasonable and expected to live with your parents and siblings. If you did leave the family home it often was just to build a home on the same property.
But then the idea of the nuclear family was popularized, probably to make more money and sell house, and here we are.
To be clear since what I said has been immediately misinterpreted, family centric living patterns were torn apart by capitalism. It heavily favors capitalism when we are separated from each other and lose community. This wasn't a benign social shift
This is nonsense.
In Western/Central Europe and Scandinavia, smaller families are the norm, yet nobody sees 80 year old people working.
This is entirely the fault of unchained capitalism, corruption and half a century of lobbying against the working class.
Let's not be unreasonable, there can be multiple causes and multiple solutions.
Those countries also used to have a more communal structure amongst families and that still was dismantled.
But they actually implemented social programs and living wages making it not an issue.
Also yes it is capitalism fault. It all is, including the dismantling of our communities to favor more isolated living. It's design to separate us and disempower the worker.
Sweden (I'm using them as an example) has a comparable employment rate at every age group than the US?
In the US about 41% of people 55 and older are working, compared to almost 38% in Sweden.
Edit: I did my math super wrong. Sweden doesn't have "much more" people at that age working, they have slightly fewer.
But what's the statistic for people aged 65 and above?
I'm not sure. The US only posts "55 and up", I couldn't find any more detailed info than that.
For what it’s worth, I agree with you.
But I still don’t want to live with my narcissistic MAGA parents, so…evidently things have gone really far sideways and it’ll be hard to rebuild that social fabric.
Honestly same. I haven't spoken with my dad in months thanks to his MAGA views. I blame this "fuck you I got mine" as a result of community destruction
I hadnt spoken to my mom in years due to her pills and Fox News bullshit. She died alone and miserable a couple of weeks ago
Isolation must decrease empathy for others. Being around the same group of other people a lot increases your empathy for them, which makes it harder to hurt them. We don’t have that failsafe anymore.
I don't want to live with my autistic parents either
As if there was ever a time where there wasn't someone who was too old working to earn some money. United States has never properly taken care of its populace why are we pretending that they used to.
Take solace in the idea that, statistically, she likely voted for Trump.
For everyone who wants the fucking numbers: https://www.pewresearch.org/politics/2024/04/09/age-generational-cohorts-and-party-identification/
And the quote:
About six-in-ten voters 80 and older (58%) identify with or lean toward the GOP, while 39% associate with the Democratic Party.
Keep the downvotes coming, and don't forget to worship the elderly just because they got old. Surely they aren't voting against the best interests of humanity.
statistically, you have terrible opinions. 1 out of 1 comments I've read of yours have been awful
Go fuck yourself. Anyone mocking the suffering of someone is human garbage
I'll openly mock anyone that is a detriment to humanity and then has to suffer the consequences of their actions.
Remember, everybody who fails to die sooner will get old and have to put up with the same problems young people chose not to address because "eh those are old people problems and old people suck"
In other words "it will happen to youuuuuuuuuu"
Go on... Tell me more about these statistics. Did elder women have over a 50% chance of voting for Trump, or am I gonna see goalposts move?
In Germany there was/still is this scam happening, called "Enekltrick", where people (mostly men) impersonate grandchildren to get into the pockets of the elderly, and a rap group made a song about it.
The refrain goes
That's the grandchild scam
We're taking your grandma's pension away
She won't even notice, she's too senile
She can give us something, she doesn't need much anyway
Ohh, that's the grandchild scam
We're taking your grandma's pension away
And for political reasons, that's okay
Your grandma probably voted for Hitler back then anyway
I think in that context I kinda get the resentment but if you really wish for someone to suffer as idk some kind of punishment, that's pretty fucked up
I can't tell if that song is for or against the grandchild scam, it seems to just kinda state that it exists.
Would agree after you showed your work. Not sure what the odds are for '"80 year old woman" are.
Pics or it didn't happen.
Sorry this is weak, even for armchair activism.
I can totally believe it. There's an old guy at my job too and it's manual labor
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