The problem with Discord, and most messaging/communication applications isn't their usability, but the reach and adoption rate....
Unfortunately you're not going to move normies away from discord until discord screws up.
The problem with Discord, and most messaging/communication applications isn't their usability, but the reach and adoption rate....
Unfortunately you're not going to move normies away from discord until discord screws up.
I know, that’s why I am staring to move away slowly away from it
@igiIq Matrix would be another option. Fully encrypted too...
I know, but I can’t decide if I should be using it or revolt
@igiIq Looks to me like you have to decide which you find more important:
Security / Privacy / decentralisation (Matrix) or
ease-of-use, probably a larger pool of users and nicer looks (Revolt)
From what I know some servers are on matrix but they aren’t on revolt. I will use both then for now. But if I will get more information on both of them then I will probably make a decision
"revolt" brother "revolt"
Cool , never heard of Revolt and it is a UK based company .. Going to move over from discord right now
Yeah, I forgot to add it but I know about it
Fixed it now
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