The good internet
The good internet = TGI
TGIF = Thank ~~god~~ it's federated
Thank Graphics Interchange Format?
I generally don't. I don't find it to be a useful grouping to reference or discuss.
I'm always referring to one, never the group.
Yeah, pointing people to individual instances seems to be the most effective way of getting them to try out whatever we call this place. They can learn how it works later.
Example of confusion some users experience:
Seems the confusion was the many people referring to Lemmy the project as Lemmy the service. And it was cleared up when the discussion moved to instance as the service and apps for the service.
I think I'm getting too old to keep with modern apps. I managed the switch to bluesky but Lemmy, Thunder and Voyager might be too much for me.
That's the result of referring to Lemmy as a service instead of Lemmy as a project. It was cleared up when people stopped doing that.
Example of confusion some users experience:
"The United Link Aggregation Alliance of the Threaded Fediverse, which includes Lemmy, PieFed, kbin, and its fork mbin"
Threadiverse is a terrible name, the most immediate word association is Threads, ostensibly a large corporate competitor, and the most immediate search result is a geeky/nerdy tshirt/merch company.
Better names?
Fuck uh... I dunno.
Lemmy and Friends
Reddit Asylum Seekers Club (RASCL?)
The front page of Web 4.0
Fediverse's Fractious Forums
lemmy. come at me kbinners
What to call this stuff...
webweb, 'cause it's a web of websites.
cross-fora, 'cause they're like cross-posts but entire forums.
newsvents, 'cause a lot of the activity is venting in news post comments. 😉
memecycling centers, 'cause it's a lot of reposts of old memes/shitposts.
Whatever instance/site I'm directing someone to.
I'd never tell someone to go to WordPress if I was telling them to go to a site built with Wordpress, that'd be silly and out of touch. It'd also be out of touch to use some jargon that means nothing to them like "threadiverse".
All the pointing to these backends as though they're platforms like the corporate platforms shows how much they've conditioned people into thinking in their terms. The major benefit to these backends is they're more open, enabling greater mobility between the instances of them/sites built with them.
I’ve taken a liking to threadiverse, though I think it might confuse some people given Meta’s Threads and Metaverse, people might assume it’s a mix of that.
Since Meta's Threads died, and anyway usage of the word Threadiverse predated its existence, I finally relented and now use Threadiverse. Or Fediverse. Forumverse kinda sounds cool too, though generally speaking nobody seems to want to use it.
How about 'FediverseLMP', pronounced fediverse+"ehlmp"?
On a more serious note (compared to my previous comments), I don't think this is a good idea. While it has the best of intentions, it only leads to further fragmention and confusion.
I read this as Plemmy (pronounced like Phlegmy?) and was like "ew, no!"
forumnet? Boardpub?
A community to organize and discuss the growth of the fediverse as a whole