Makes me want to listen to it. What app do you use?
Note: you probably should add no AI album covers because they would be low effort, otherwise people might flood this community with them.
Makes me want to listen to it. What app do you use?
Note: you probably should add no AI album covers because they would be low effort, otherwise people might flood this community with them.
Thanks! I use Photoshop mainly, though I only have a rudimentary idea of how most of the tools work.
Fair point, I'll make some tweaks.
If you ever want to improve one of the good creators of tutorials is PiXimperfect on YouTube. He has a lot of beginner to advanced tutorials on PS.
I shall, thanks!
This is maybe some "jazz rock" that you would find at the one dollar bin and wouldn't pay much attention to. (Not to criticize your post, of course.)
There is a band called 'The Aviator's already.
I am a fan of prog jazz rock, and prog jazz metal, lol but they aren't it.
Like Interdimensional Cable, but for music.
Only fake album covers, no real ones.
Don't repost someone else's creation.
Base images need not be OC, but the post should show effort as it is.
No AI generated images.