Patty and Shermy sit on the floor facing each other. She exclaims,"You heard what I said!" She stands, points at him, and continues,"And don't you forget it, either!" He cringes as she says to his back,"You'd better treat me with more respect..." She concludes,"Someday, I may be somebody's mother"
Patty and Shermy sit on the floor facing each other. She exclaims,"You heard what I said!"
She stands, points at him, and continues,"And don't you forget it, either!"
He cringes as she says to his back,"You'd better treat me with more respect..."
She concludes,"Someday, I may be somebody's mother"
The drawings of characters are now lighter beginning with this strip. The gag is recycled from the Li'l Folks strip from July 31, 1949.
For posts about the comic Peanuts, by Charles M. Schulz