So .. my specialist offered this to me and my first question was about the side effects.
"Constipation" was their answer.
Given that I already regularly wish I could skip the full body experience of severe constipation, that became a non-starter.
The next option was counting calories and restricting my intake. It would be a lifetime commitment.
I tried for a fortnight. Complete with app and scales. I spent more time counting calories than chewing and for all that effort the data was poor and I doubt I ever even managed to record my actual intake, let alone restrict it.
I came up with a better solution.
Water only on Sunday.
I've lost about a kilo a week over the past two months. No counting, no medication, no stressing about what's allowed, just drink water on Sunday, no food.
Highly recommended.
Disclaimer: This is what I'm doing for me. I'm not a medical professional and don't pretend to be one online. You do you, I'm doing me.