Why? Money of course. He's going to fund the liberals campaign just you watch.
I don't think that's legal here. Australian political campaigns are typically not on the scale of corrupted that usa ones are. Clive Palmer is probably the most dramatic example of someone trying to buy influence and it didn't work out as amazingly cost effective.
I also suspect that Murdoch would fight hard to resist any attempt to remove him from his station as political kingmaker in Australia.
and it didn't work out
It definitely did work out. He may not have gotten himself elected, but that was never really the goal. The primary goal was always keeping Labor out. Which he did, very successfully, in the 2019 unloseable election.
Did you watch Christiaan Van Vuuren’s “Big Deal” that aired on ABC in 2021? Before that show, I thought much the same as you.
Who's going to enforce these laws? Who's responsible for stepping in and blocking the payments? Arresting the individuals who accept these payments?
The Murdoch media is the propaganda machine directly behind Trumps rise to power. They've been sowing the seeds for fascism for decades. What makes you think he wants a fascist dictatorship in the states but not the rest of 5 eyes, or the world?
I'm getting real tired of "Liberals" acting like it can't happen here, and we don't all live in plutocracies where most state and federal pollies are bankrolled by the wealthiest oligarchs, corporations, industries, and multinationals. America is definitely the most egregious example, but 5 eyes has been destroying civil liberties and implementing mass surveillance in lockstep for most of our lives.
Fun fact: Sussan Ley added an extra 's' to her name because of numerology.
In terms of names determining futures, some politicians change theirs, to master their own destiny. Disgraced former Health Minister Sussan Ley added that superfluous third "s". In 2015, she told the Australian newspaper: "I read about this numerology theory that if you add the numbers that match the letters in your name you can change your personality … If you added an 's' I'd have an incredibly exciting, interesting life and nothing would ever be boring." Careful what you wish for.
Source: https://www.abc.net.au/news/2017-11-15/politicians-with-unfortunate-nicknames-that-stick/9147642
Her birth name is Ussan? That explains a lot!
I wonder if this speech was written before or after the salute?
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