I have a toilet that was somewhat anemic in its flushes
I realized the flush mechanism was installed backwards (making the low and high flush buttons reversed) so I turned it around and now the buttons work properly.
I have a toilet that was somewhat anemic in its flushes
I realized the flush mechanism was installed backwards (making the low and high flush buttons reversed) so I turned it around and now the buttons work properly.
Nice, you should be lauded for your labour
Go you
I have a doddler
I refuse to elaborate further
One of the most convenient things about this era is you can find random parts for just about any product online. Fixing things has never been more accessible.
My toilet seat has a damper in it, kept the lid from slamming. Seems to be wearing out, the seat will freely move now and the lid is getting noticeably easier to move.
Those dampeners irritate me irrationally. I have one of these on my fridge door and I need to apply some pressure in order for it to close.
On the toilet seat it's kind of nice...until you get used to it taking some muscle to close and then you not only drop but actively slam some other toilet shut.
A toilet needing fixed ought to be included in some kind of universalist core moment of existence theory.
We won't all build a deck, but everyone with the privilege of using a toilet is someday going to need a toilet to be fixed.
I have found fixing a toilet to be a slow but relatively simple job, which let my thoughts wander...perhaps too far, honestly.
Nice. I need to do that. I have a toilet with a similar need and even bought the kit, but it got “cleaned up” …. Somewhere. Now it’s a much bigger chore because I need to find it and don’t have any clues
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