Congrats! Getting my diagnosis was a bit relieving too, though I did have that imposter syndrome strong for a while. I still get it every now and then, but then I pull something super autistic and remember.
I got diagnosed a couple weeks ago. I'm a few months short of 40 so I can understand how you feel. A lot of my oddities now make more sense.
Although I'm still not sure what the game plan going forward is. Hopefully I can get some clarity on that soon.
Hey there -- congrats (if it's something you're happy about..). I know what you mean about game plan, I think. I think I'm going to see an asd-specific therapist (again, covered by my insurance) and see how it goes. I'm pretty sure it'll be way less confusing than regular therapy (and couples therapy) has been.... I mean, just talking to the therapist who did my assessment was such a breath of fresh air compared to most psychologists.
I'm glad that you got it covered by insurance! I was diagnosed as a child but i know a few people who were diagnosed later in life and, it has helped them process and put into context the "otherness" of their past behaviors.
Yes for sure! It's going to be a slow sink-in, I think. That's cool that you found out early. Did your parents tell you right away? (I know someone who waited a year or so to tell their teen, and, I'm not sure if I agree on that...)
I have known that i have autism since I was about 10 years old, so my parents pretty much told me right away.
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