One rule: never date a girl from work or the gym because you'll hear all her dirty secret
Where are people watching this one? Apparently it slipped through the cracks with respect to licensing.
Looks like it has only been licensed in Asia so far (billibilli and Ani-One). I went and checked the reddit episode thread and there are lots of people asking the same thing. I do see at least one release on nyaa, so sailing the high seas is probably most people's only option at the moment.
A license could be in the works. I remember that it wasn't until episode 2 or so before Bravern got licensed last year, so it can happen.
I ended up just deciding to watch the raws. Isn't too terrible.
This felt a lot like the author went "we're just gonna skip right past the buildup and get right to the good part", except, in my opinion, the buildup is part of what makes the "good part" actually good. I found it a bit hard to get invested in our main characters' relationship when I felt like I didn't know either of them at all. I also didn't really get why they were so insistent on keeping their relationship a secret - sure, they'd be the subject of gossip for a little while, but people would lose interest pretty fast if they weren't actively starting drama.
Overall, I think if the pacing gave the story a little more time to breathe, this would be pretty cute, but as it is it just didn't vibe with me. I give the premiere a 2/5.
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