I have no idea what any of this means. What does this data represent?
Have you read the sidebar?
No and I don't think I should be expected to tbh
*asks question*
"The answer you seek is here"
*refuses to read it*
That’s not a good response after someone was kind enough to help you.
Is it a bad response?
Ok maybe we back up here and assume I'm not evil and full of malice. I'm here scrolling through Lemmy reading things and I see all of this data that someone clearly put a lot of work into without any explanation. What's my engagement? How am I supposed to derive that the relevant info is (again I don't want to be mean) poorly explained in the sidebar? What if I wanted to send these stats to a friend?
I guess I'm sorry for being critical.
Not gonna lie, I was also confused af. I thought this was country GDP or something lol
Sure, I will bite! Happy to assume no evil or malice and it is mostly down to a misunderstanding.
I think your original comment was fine. If we were to nitpick, it potentially could have used a compliment like "it looks very interesting" to clarify that it comes out of interest.
The response you got on this was, although a bit snarky, informative enough for you to find out more information about it. I assume you read the sidebar by now, as you stated you are not malicious.
If you were to want to respond by critiquing the post that it would have been helpful if this information was available closer to the post itself, I figure a comment as below would result in fewer downvotes:
"Thank you for your directions. I see now that it is about ... Interesting how ... I do think that it would be nice if some of this information was available in the post description, as this might further increase engagement from outsiders that are just browsing the Lemmy homepage".
Interested to hear about your perspective and if I got anything wrong.
You're right I could have been kinder in my comment and the follow ups.
I apologize
Thanks for taking the time to engage.
Looking good! From a gamer who started out on Atari, game preservation is a cause worth pushing for. Hope the EU can get this passed since there is little hope of it being supported in the states without your example.
I gotta say, I had a very similar reaction to zorro to this post popping up in my general doomscrolling of Lemmy. Just EU country names with % numbers. Top comment being pretty much what I was thinking. My only context was the community name to let me know that this is something I am interested in. Oh, and unlike zorro I went to see what the sidebar says...
Stop Killing Games
[EU] Stop Killing Games:
The consumer movement to stop game publishers from disabling older games with kill switches after official support ends.
The goal is to reach 1 million signatures so that the european parliament will respond to the petition that then leads to game ownership protections enacted for consumers.
Progress Tracker:
Final Day: 31/7/2025.