Damn, I actually really liked this show. Guess we'll never know what the actual fuck was going on
The book is good too. By the cyberpunk author William Gibson. There's a sequel too, called Agency, but it takes place in a different stem. But has a lot of the same people from this one.
Gibson likes to do that, see: The Sprawl trilogy that’s just 3 books that are slightly related
Huge bummer, I really enjoyed it. Now I want to go read the book to see how different they are.
The books are awesome - I'll have to do the opposite and see how the show compares.
They left lots of the world elements there, and Flynn's backstory is very similar. They did change much of what she is tasked with doing when using the peripheral and the world 'setting' that occurs in. Definitely not as bleak. Still liked it though.
That is some bullshit, that was a good show
It's set and filmed not far from me, so I am extra disappointed. Not much cyberpunk in the mountains.
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