Well that was disappointing. The confrontation was so weak, with barely any input from Alicia and Duke while Liz just keeps going on about stuff.
The ending makes it interesting though. I wonder if the book is like a record that changes the story.
Well that was disappointing. The confrontation was so weak, with barely any input from Alicia and Duke while Liz just keeps going on about stuff.
The ending makes it interesting though. I wonder if the book is like a record that changes the story.
Oh geez. Definitely NOT the episode I was expecting. Rather than coming to a resolution, everything becomes far more convoluted.
Seems Liz was completely unaware of her Charm ability. Due to Liz's mixed emotions in trying to be the ideal Saint, the Charm effect went haywire. It definitely makes it seem like Liz was a tragic figure. But what was with the ancient book changing once Liz possessed it?
Liz was so quick to dismiss her feelings for Duke despite the fact she was so distraught it made her golden rose wilt.
And right when Alicia is ready to express how she feels for the Prince...
For once, the Prince isn't acting creepy... and yet it's still creepy that he doesn't remember Alicia.
I suspect the book changed when Liz received it to reveal more Saintly secrets and Liz is now using that power to win Duke by making him forget about Alicia but that's really all conjecture on my part. I really wasn't expecting this turn of events.
Yeah definitely felt like Liz was unfortunate in this episode but the book was so sus. I'm also surprised she was able to just turn the charm off, like do the randoms still like her now or what?
There's like.. 1 more episode so this Duke thing is gonna be 👀.
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