Urbanists.Video is a great peertube instance with some transit focused creators, such as Adam Newton and Paige Saunders.
Also the home of Reece Martin and Oh The Urbanity's video content :)
I also know of Ray Delahanty (CityNerd) on Mastodon.
Urbanists.Video is a great peertube instance with some transit focused creators, such as Adam Newton and Paige Saunders.
Also the home of Reece Martin and Oh The Urbanity's video content :)
I also know of Ray Delahanty (CityNerd) on Mastodon.
Noted, didn't realize Ray was on Mastodon too
Does NotJustBikes count? https://social.notjustbikes.com/@notjustbikes
Ahh found one. Adding it to the list.
Everything about public transportation!