This is my favourite SFW one... or maybe the one with the skulls of enemies without eyes.
I never got this one.
If you didn't know, this one part of a series where these two characters try various magic fountains with different effects searching for the fountain of youth. It's a bit funnier in context because it's subverting the expectation of something weird happening when they drink the water.
Never seen this before, but that is a great sense of humor!
lol, nope, the rest of the site is of very different humor. steps back out of the sub
Oglaf is great, but the few SFW comics need to come with a warning that the majority of them are NOT SFW.
Yeah. I opened one such comic at work the other day and accidentally stopped masturbating. The few SFW ones need a warning for sure.
Is the giant THIS IS NSFW / I AM OVER 18 click-through too subtle or something?
Posts and discussion about the Oglaf webcomic. Many of the comics are NSFW, please tag appropriately.
This comic started out as an attempt to make pornography. It degenerated into a sex comedy pretty much immediately
Posting new comics, and old comics until we're caught up