Like r/programmerhumor, this community is already full of people who literally never programmed anything more than Hello World before.
And just like Reddit you're complaining about it for absolutely no reason. How about we try to be a bit more welcoming and a bit less gatekeepery.
That's kind of an absurd position when the explicit purpose of segmented communities is to gatekeep content.
I realize my attitude is negative, but r/programmerhumor was not my crowd and it looks like neither is this community. There is no place where I can find memes about a large part of my life and I'm frustrated.
"Missing semicolon", "light IDE is for psychopaths", "JS sucks", "AI is just if-statements", I just can't relate to those jokes and after the 100th repost I still don't think they're funny.
Your contribution appears to be solely whinging. If you want a certain type of content how about you post some and see if it catches on?
I'm curious, what would you prefer? Reposts suck, but dunking on the languages everyone agrees are bad and complaining about debugging is the only version of programmer humour I'm familiar with.
I found this blog article with some xkcd comics that I find hilarious, if that helps
XKCD is indeed awesome.
I realize my attitude is negative, but r/programmerhumor was not my crowd and it looks like neither is this community.
Sounds like a win for this community.
Just because a meme is not reality doesn't mean it can't be funny.
Did you expect anything different?
programming hello world is doing better than most people and I applaud and welcome beginners.
I am little more than an amateur myself, entirely self taught, and yet I'm forever digging into various bits of code for my marketing job, because paying someone $400 to fix a recalcitrant css style in a week and a half is worse than just doing it myself.
Every syntax highligher shows this and VSCode even has a special case for this, this is not a real issue.
I just tried and it just turns into a proper semicolon and everything works. (Sublime Text).
That might explain that:
In Unicode, it is separately encoded as U+037E ; GREEK QUESTION MARK, but the similarity is so great that the code point is normalised to U+003B ; SEMICOLON, making the marks identical in practice.
Can you expect much else from someone who uses JS?
I get this warning in my IDE (VS Code) so I feel safe:
The character U+037e ";" could be confused with the ASCII character U+003b ";", which is more common in source code.
Well, there goes my diabolical plan, crushed like a bug under someone else's shoe. Back to the drawing board, I guess.
yea... every modern IDE makes it extremely obvious of the unicode character.....
SO.... yea...
If you really wanted to be evil, zero-width space is the worst.
You don't see it.
Laughs in just removing all semicolons because it's not necessary in JS.
Great, now you just need to do the rest of the code.
It is recommended. But in TS it is not necessary with rare exceptions.
That's what's really irks me be about JS--you can do just about whatever but you're not supposed to.
It's an imperative language, but best practices are to use it functionally.
You can omit semicolons, but best practices are to use them.
You can use sloppy equality, but best practices are to always use strict.
JavaScript reminds me of an older brother who happens to be the most laid back stoner you could meet. "Like yea man, you should probably use semicolons, but I ain't gonna narc"
After switching to typescript with linting and prettier I simply hate writing vanilla JavaScript anymore. Some people complain about the extra project setup needed but I find that time pays for itself immediately.
You need to remember that a lot of those best practices are to cover for the performance issues from misusing loosely typed variables.
The JavaScript engine can compile clean, type-safe code down to be almost as fast as properly compiled code. When you use various features like the loose equals or various object mutations and the like, the engine cannot optimize it, leaving your code much, much slower.
thanks to eslint enforcing it in the default rules it's necessary for most typescript projects
I wouldn't do it without an auto formatter. With prettier it will catch potential no semi colon issues.
Unicode was a mistake.
Вгь, Iмa gо sрrinкlе sоме cугilliс снаггастегs аll оvег sомеоnе's lаrаvеl vаlidатiоn гules
(The аеос's are the most evil ones)
Here's a nice list of homoglyphs
This file shows that the font my web browser uses is quite incomplete.
I thought zero width whitespace characters were the ones to go for if you want to be evil.
Why did Unicode even allow these symbols even exist? What happened to using a single encoding for similar symbols like in CJK? Uriel must be rolling furiously in his grave rn
Because the point of unicode is to accurately depict every sort of writing regardless of format, not to make a neat table of every unique glyph. Fonts may want to render the two differently or treat them differently. Same reason why there's a difference between an em dash and a quotation line mark
Same reason why unicode is full of random characters that only ever appear like thrice in some Russian coptic manuscript from the 3rd century - it's about being able to depict something, not perceived usefulness
Also excuse my ignorance, but who's Uriel? Because right now I just have the mental image of a very upset archangel which I'm guessing is not what you're referring to. I mean it could be - I'm pretty sure unicode would fall under his domain of literature
every sort of writing regardless of format
💯💯😹👁️👄👁️ well 👏👏 said! 🍌🍑💦🫄🏻🎉🎉
It's been a while but doesn't JavaScript work without semicolons and just fail silently?
Just remove everything that looks like a semicolons, problem solved. You don't need semicolons in JS
Use both the latin x and the cyrillic х as variable names in the same scope. Your coworkers will thank you.
Thanks Satan
Yes. One is in the matrix movies and the other isn't.
Might try that in CSV files
Programmer Humor
Post funny things about programming here! (Or just rant about your favourite programming language.)
- Posts must be relevant to programming, programmers, or computer science.
- No NSFW content.
- Jokes must be in good taste. No hate speech, bigotry, etc.