Wouldn’t recommend life. I suggest asking for a refund.
just sends 3 minutes of my apartment with no sound
Me recording my voice to random video gameplay.
"Yah, so on this level the skip was a fairly contemporary tech discovered by Tyler, who goes by b0igus, during a livestream charity. I can't do it that well but I'll try."
Keep dying on a simple jump or the first enemy for 2 minutes and then end the video abruptly.
"It should start clipping right... Now! Fuck!", "I think I'm approaching it from slightly wrong angle... Lemme see... Fuck!", "What? God damn, my controller just died. Fuck! Oh well, lemme get the cable. Hang on a minute...", "I really don't want to check the b0igus video right now. I mean I've done it before, it's just... Fuck!" and so on.
I mean, I'd watch it.
Could still be worse. They can still mandate that you post it on a paid service. That they own.
If we let the door open it will end up being used for profit and we know it.
Better to either get ahead and file several suits against the companies for discrimination based off of sex/gender/race/ early to scare them away, because if that doesnt work we'd have to start burning down their corporate headquarters. Which sounds a bit extreme.
Imagine having been forced to submit several minute long videos of you posted to online forums that will never go away at 16 until 70. Every mistake / strange life choice preserved and used against you. "Don't apply there, is what people would say at first, its your choice, your not forced to work for them" yet the number of companies asking would slowly increase and the job pools would slowly become smaller and smaller where it wasnt required until it became standard.
If we think customer facing jobs already discriminate based upon attractiveness, that would grow by a lot, and even the companies not trying to would subconsciously do it.
You realize that's the next step, right?
Since this screenshot of a post never disclosed what the subject of the video needs to be and simply mandates a speech 2-5 minutes long, one could record their voice over a stock film of something random
Luckily somebody circled it for us, I'm not sure I would've known what was being pointed out to use otherwise.