I've used Shimano SPD's ( hate 'em: they're beginner clip-ins: they breakaway too easily for me, and I've gotten hurt when a surprise breakaway happened. People who want easy breakaway should like 'em )
I've used Speedplay Frogs ( hate 'em: unless you have warning of when you need to get out, you can't swing far enough to get your shoes out from the things. I've gotten injured in these, too. )
Time ATACs ( hate 'em: got stabbed in the solar-plexus with my own handlebar, when falling, on trail, because I couldn't break out from them, when tired )
and Crank Brothers ( love 'em: Goldilocks mechanism, for me. )
If you're a wrestler, or other muscular type, you'll probably prefer the Time ATAC pedals.
If you're a small light rider, who only does city, the Shimano SPDs may be your ticket.
If you never fall ( I rode too many edge-of-the-highway miles, & the it's better to fall on the shoulder, than it is to fall into the ditch, so falling is .. normal enough, when you've no brain left, from riding too many hours, with cargo ), then maybe the Speedplay Frog pedals are heavenly for you.
You have to figure out your style, your need, & find the pedals that fit you, eh?
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