Linuxcast Rules
Welcome to LinuxCast!
last updated 7/26/2023 at 2:10am
lemme.ee rules and terms of service still applies
twitch: http://twitch.tv/linuxcast
* English and Spanish only. We may have people who speak other languages but to simplify things to a language we can all understand.
* No Sexual content/topics. This is an all age server.
* No Religion talk or Politics. This is a civil server and those topic often get heated.
* Make sure to add topic to the title of your stream in brackets [] possible example [general] [gaming] [tech] [retro] [streaming] [linux] [support]
* Do not spam or flood the channel. Only post the same content once.
* Do not overuse ALL CAPS as this is considered yelling and rude.
* No Discussion of roms, rom hacking, rom websites. Emulators are fine but do not mention or link rom sites.
* Please ask first before @ someone. Unless they have said it is ok otherwise.
* No Links outside twitch and youtube, and trusted, commonly used image sites including imgur or cubeupload.
* For Security reasons, No posting applications (.exe) and other windows/linux exentension files including but not limiting to deb, rpm, sh files, tar.gz and tar files.
* No asking for ranks, you may ask how to rank up or apply for higher rank it is earned overtime and at a trust level with my discretion.
* No posting any illegal material or anything that breaks discord TOS.
* Do not ping/message me, instead ask before you can find me @linuxcast on twitch, tiktok, and discord.
keep in mind that rules may be subject to change anytime.
for any questions contact moderator .'
- Warning
- Warning
- Warning
- Timeout
- Timeout
- Ban
penalties may vary by offense commited and may also be punishable by being kicked out of the server.
make sure to visit my twitch channel streaming: mondays, wednesdays, fridays 9pm PST