Just because deities within certain polytheistic religions were rivals, doesn't imply the advent of monotheism.
Youre right, it doesn't.
But just because you assume I've assumed something doesn't make it so.
Polytheism having more explanatory power and being inherently more tolerant is somewhat the consensus on the subject, and I have no need to defend that position to someone I'd have to first lecture for several hours.
That the Viking culture was based on the rape and pillage of Christianity, not exactly a progressive perspective.....
See sentences like that reveal your inherent ignorance. I put quotations around "viking", because that's just how a lot of people view Scandinavian historical culture. And that you don't know that viking is a profession, not an ethnicity, is one of the reasons I'm not debating anything with you.
Yes, the people who went on raids usually did the things that were common for raids.
That's like you saying that robbers rob. Wow.
And saying "their culture was based on rape and pillage" is about as true as racist claims about black people stealing more; amazingly ignorant and inherently racist.
on assuming that Viking in Viking culture women were thought of as equals.....which is doubtful.
So because you're ignorant and assume something, that is how it is? I assume you're capable of using Google, so you chose not to even check. You just asserted that something is "doubtful" when it's not. No historians doubt that gender equality was more advanced in Norse communities than in Christian/Islamic countries of the time.
You're not even aware of what Norse society was like, imaging all they did was "raping and pillaging", but you're expecting examples from societies which you probably know even less?
"Explain the Mongol Empire"
Lol Did I say polytheism makes one an unconditional pacifist?