No Man's Sky WORLDS transforms the universe, bringing huge leaps in water and cloud quality, as well as increased planetary variety, new gameplay features, and more!
Worlds Part I represents the first component of the Worlds Update, with even more to come later in the summer. For full details please see
- Total overhaul of water and cloud rendering, as well as other significant quality improvements and optimisations.
- Boosted planetary variety with new biomes, new creatures, colour and lighting changes, and much more.
- New gameplay features, including Solar ship crafting, aquatic landings, discovery renaming, new hostile creatures and more.
- Expedition 14: Liquidators is a unique, action-packed experience with a raft of exclusive rewards.
Hello Games has been hard at work to improve and expand No Man's Sky. We hope you enjoy. :)
Thank you so much,
Hello Games
I would assume already discovered planets aren’t really affected
I could be mistaken but when they released the pirate update they said only undiscovered system as not to mess with the existing conflict levels or soemthing
I've seen both happen in previous updates, so I don't know what the intention was with this particular update.