Sympathy for the Machine | Curious Archive
Technology for a Solar-Punk future.
Airships and hydroponic farms...
For me the first Ghost in the Shell movie (the anime, obviously) is the standard when it comes to these questions (though it's of course not the first).
For me it stopped when it started getting interesting.
And "ghosts" are such a cop out to not talk about the hard questions.
Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love GitS which is a stunning piece of art, but it barely scratched the surface.
The best media I've seen for this concept is "Robots" and anyone interested in this subject for some reason should definitely give it a look. There's also "I, Robot" and "Blade Runner".
Extremely peculiar this got no likes. These are good media references. This whole platform is so damn weird.
Update: It's gotta be the sense of humor.