EU : Our commitment to the fediverse is here to stay.
A community dedicated to fediverse news and discussion.
Fediverse is a portmanteau of "federation" and "universe".
Getting started on Fediverse;
But wouldn‘t the public key need to be somewhere to? At some point down the line you will probably have to trust some server.
No, that’s not how that works.
Users can generate their own keys, and you know it’s the same user as long as they have the same key, even if they’re on different servers.
No certificate authority is required for this kind of use case.
He's right that the public key would have to be somewhere, maybe on the profile page. The public key would be one more thing to be federated across servers.
Ok, but if it's not bound to something like an official domain name how can you be sure the person who signed their posts as president of the EU (or whatever the official title is) to actually be that person is real life?
It could be shared across instances too. It's not a hard problem.
Fediverse currently has totally centralised takedowns and bans coz it uses the same account-model as Twitter/Facebook