I reckon we need to have a threat to chat. About stuff. With reddit 'closing' for the next few days in some cases, and foreseeable in others, I felt like this thread was appropriate.
What are you all up to today? Anything interesting going on? I already know it's too hot.
I think it's the inverse, the gulf stream (if I understand it correctly) keeps the UK warm as we are roughly on the same equatorial line as Canada/Alaska/Russia. Without it we'd likely be much colder in general which doesn't sound to bad right about now, though in winter it'd suck
I think it's the inverse, the gulf stream (if I understand it correctly) keeps the UK warm as we are roughly on the same equatorial line as Canada/Alaska/Russia. Without it we'd likely be much colder in general which doesn't sound to bad right about now, though in winter it'd suck