Typically I use pen and paper, but I've been interested in a tablet or similar device for a while and am interested in what other people are using.
The reMarkable 2 seems like a really cool option to play with, but also pretty pricey for trying it out to see if it would even work well.
While it's not directly related, when playing in games, I usually use a paper character sheet for reference, a notepad for consumables, story notes, and HP, and Pathbuilder on my phone for spells.
On a related note to using Pathbuilder on phones, is anyone aware of an iOS alternative?
It may not work as well as a polished app, but Pathbuilder's web interface (https://pathbuilder2e.com/app.html) looks decent on Android and might work in the meantime until something is developed for iOS.
There was a lot of talk about iOS alternatives to PathBuilder, but I don't think there is one. Does Wanderer's Guide work on phone?