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I am so tired of the "everything I don't like is woke" crowd. How long did it take for the "everything I don't like is communist/socialist" crowd to be publicly ridiculed for having such juvenile worldviews?
well, looking at McCarthyism... too long
The “everything I don’t like is communist/socialist” crowd has never been ridiculed, what the hell are you thinking?
It is LITERALLY the American hegemonic ideal.
It has in other countries
They must be getting the last laugh because they are still around that's why we [as in US] can't have good health insurance.
Okay I am going to play a devil's advocate here. So of you are not wrong. Many of these people are lashing out at charge unnecessarily, though I do think it is important to look at why. First the politicians and talking head that are driving this are just trying to make hay out of non issues for their own personal agendas. Fuck them they are toxic, but why are there so many common people so willing to buy in. Simply because they are scared of losing their way of life and ability to support themselves. I don't mean losing the "right" to drive giant trucks, but losing what their parents and grandparents had. These people have seen it with the loss of good quality blue collar work. The work their parents and grandparents had, which one person could support a family and buy a house with. They have seen how the loss of manufacturing, steel, lumber, etc. jobs have affected others and they are scared that they are next.
They have the exact same existential dread of the future that the rest of have and or more or less the same reasons, they are just reacting in a different way. Just like how some people react to the loss of a family member with sadness and some with anger.
Hard right politicians have found that they can swing some of these people to their extreme views by capitalizing on this fear and offering a solution. Obviously isolationism and hate are not good longer term solutions, but they sadly do work well in the short term. I firmly believe many people that are just kind of going along with the hard right are only there because see no other solution being offered to their problems. Remember many Germans were not Nazis but they let the Nazis take power not because they agreed with them, but because no one offered anything else. Yes it is a lie but it is very important to remember why the lie exists. Sadly ignoring or dismissing it will not make things better.
I genuinely wish I had a solution, but I don't maybe smarter people than me do.
First of all the "everything I don't like is communist/socialist" were never ridiculed for their viewpoint, once Russia collapsed and China went mostly capitalist the communist rhetoric mostly dried up, but the anti socialist rhetoric remained and still remains, as does the much less talked about red-scare rhetoric, especially after a bunch of supposed "Antifa" dingbats allowed themselves to be interviewed on Fox News and admitted to being Communist/Anarchist, in the same way that the antiwork movement got derailed by that idiotic moderator going on Fox news.
Secondly the "everything I don't like is communist/socialist" crowd is the "everything I don't like is woke" crowd, if we had a Venn diagram about this is would be like a 90% overlap, same type of people, same types of mindsets, both with white Christian fundamentalism at it's root, and if you dig a little deeper you'll find that under that those roots are built right on top of Confederate ideals and white supremacy.
What do you mean, "did"?