A community for respectful discussion and memes related to autism acceptance. All neurotypes are welcome.
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You're all acting like the relevant bit here isn't the 15yo bit.
Adult gets frustrated with know-it-all 15yo, and does what they need to to put the kid in their place so they can do their damned job, kid comes up with bullshit rationalisation for why they're right and everyone else is wrong once they get home, Internet echo chamber enables them, news at 11.
My son can be a hell of a smart ass at times as all 12 year old kids can be. He's autistic, was diagnosed with Oppositional Defiant Disorder, the whole 9. But it's the damnedest thing, when I talk to him like he's a person with his own agency, treat him with dignity and respect, and explain to him why I want something from him he happily hops right up and does exactly what I ask. It's the craziest thing.