xkcd #2897: Light Leap Years
A community for a webcomic of romance, sarcasm, math, and language.
Citation needed for „the people who invented the internet were 100% nerds“
Citation needed for your entire previous comment lmao. Most nerds are actually really nice people and lean left politically.
Here's the reason you're here
RIP Aaron
King & nerd
Should be here leading the fediverse today (or something better)
Al Gore was pretty nerdy, at least as depicted in the South Park documentaries.
It really does feel mainstream to come up with tech specs for a new comms technology, not the sort of thing that nerds* might do /s
Tim Burners-Lee** worked in particle accelerators. Total jock****.
* People excessively interested in tech
** Inventor of HTML - the web
**** I'm old. The world is divided into nerds and jocks per Revenge of the Nerds (1984)
TIL the only non-Mainstream people are nerds