So, who do we all support then?
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Liverpool and Falmouth Town (Step 5)
Born in Lancashire of a Scouse mother, with scouse parents, so was put in a red shirt when i was a bairn and that was that. Been a red for many decades now..
Falmouth, we moved to when I was about 13, and the bulk of my late teens and early 20's was spent following Falmouth up and down the South West. Now 400 miles away, but still keep in touch with their results every week. Finally back in the Western League after having to drop down in the 70's because of the travel cost.
Also keep an eye on Daggers results. We moved to London when I was about 3 and Leytonstone was the nearest football club. They merged with Ilford FC, they in turn became Redbridge Forest, and in turn merged with Dagenham. For a similar reason have a soft spot for the O's, and cheered on the Hammers in Europe last year as long as we arent in the same competition. Virtually all my friends as a kid were West Ham fans.