Monthly Recommendations Thread: What are you playing?
A gaming community free from the hype and oversaturation of current releases, catering to gamers who wait at least 12 months after release to play a game. Whether it's price, waiting for bugs/issues to be patched, DLC to be released, don't meet the system requirements, or just haven't had the time to keep up with the latest releases.
Went back to playing Civ 5 and Civ 6 recently with friends, and even though Civ 5 is much older, we seem to enjoy it way more due to it being more simple. Civilization traits are way more easy to understand, AI feels better and more threatening and games are faster.
Biggest problem I had with Civ 6 was the AI. Felt like I'd win games by no later than the Renaissance, which is a shame because the increased transparency with how AI leaders reacted/will react to you was probably the best change.
I also loved the social policy system. Laughed when I saw them add it to Stellaris.