Love it! I don't have experience with many bikes, but I love how low this one is. 28“ seat height. I've got short legs and like to be able to flat foot it at a stop.
Not sure if I'll do any more than I have. I added the engine guards, and this is actually a bit of an old Pic. I've also added highway pegs and took off the plastic license plate holder
It's a good looking machine. And I like harley alternatives for cruiser styles. How do you like it? How the handling?
Love it! I don't have experience with many bikes, but I love how low this one is. 28“ seat height. I've got short legs and like to be able to flat foot it at a stop.
Sounds prefect to me! Are you going to modify it?
Not sure if I'll do any more than I have. I added the engine guards, and this is actually a bit of an old Pic. I've also added highway pegs and took off the plastic license plate holder