Late-Rising Hotel Guest Comes To Terms With Remnants Of Free Breakfast
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Great Satire Writing:
"Late rising" being the horrible hour of 9am.
Seriously why can't hotel breakfast go until 10 or 11. It's not that good anyways, but God forbid people eat it at a reasonable hour. At least let the shelf stable items be used if there's temp concerns.
Thanks The Onion for hitting it right where it hurts.
Because they want you out of the hotel so they can clean the rooms and get another guest in. If you're there later for breakfast you're probably staying in the room later.
We have complentary breakfast from 6 to 7:30, from 7:30 to 9 we will maintain a pile of crumbs collected from the other guests that you may spoon into a cup.
I was flying out of an airport and needed to stay the night in an airport hotel once and one of the things that the hotel advertised was that breakfast started at about 3:00 and went on until about 11:00.
I've never really thought about the logistics of how they pulled that off but it was a very convenient.
Possibly not practical long-term but I guess if you're the only hotel in the area that does it it might be worth it.
A lot of times it does go til 10, but they cooked the eggs at 6am and stopped refilling the stations at 8am. So, you’re left with scraps and 4 hour old food.
Morning people pushing their sleep cycle upon night owls in basically every part of life is a tale old as time. And I absolutely despise it