I think I see the problem with our education system
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It's a perfect illustration, really.
Remove the Students and parents and teachers can have their authoritarian circlejerk without hurting anyone.
Remove the Parents and maybe Students can actually have a direct voice in things that affect them without the meddling of people not involved in the system.
Remove the Teachers and... well, the same really. Facilitated self-directed learning without stifling bureaucracy and exposure to bullying is the best of all worlds.
Sorry, but are you claiming that the best-case scenario is an education system without…teachers ‽
Good rule of thumb for watching education political discussion is that a large portion of the population will blame the teachers.
It's always the teachers fault for them. Full stop.
Not the parents, not the incredibly apathetic or combative kids, not the administration running the school, not the politicians making up random standards, nope, none of those guys. Just the person trying to figure everything out with your kids a few hours a day. They're the ones causing all the issues.
Let's fire them all, pay them less, make them work overtime, and then the problem will be fixed!
There's a reason over half of teachers leave the profession before year 5 and are high on rates of anxiety, depression, and risk for substance abuse.
Let's not forget the flip side, where when things are going well, the administrators, parents, and politicians are quick to take credit, and give minimal recognition to the teachers doing the actual work.
Braindead. Home schooling is a detriment to students sanity
If teachers refers to our current style of teaching in public education, then maybe.