"Do your own research" they say.
A community for Scientific Skepticism:
Scientific skepticism or rational skepticism, sometimes referred to as skeptical inquiry, is a position in which one questions the veracity of claims lacking empirical evidence.
Do not confuse this with General Skepticism, Philosophical Skepticism, or Denialism.
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"A wise man proportions his belief to the evidence." -David Hume
How else would you spell it? I've only ever seen it as English. Inglish maybe?
Inglesh. Ingliti given the ti sound in words ending in tion. Englich if we use the soft ch option. I was functionally illiterate until my teens. By the end of highschool I had a college level reading comprehension but less than a third grade spelling ability. Trying to read something I wrote would have you convinced I wasn't a native English speaker until I was in my late 20s. The less you know about English the more ways you can find to spell any word it offers up.
*high school
*Drugged school