Authoritarian Rule
Rule 3: If you visit MoreTankie196, you are contractually obliged to post before you leave
Its okay not to want to repeat same interactions over and over again. But your response was disproportionate to the actual offence, it is not a good look to be an aggressive party in that could have been a calm, although probably unfulfilling conversation. Now they can just screencap the conversation and post it somewhere lamenting the unreasonable tankies.
A calm, unfulfilling conversation that goes nowhere is in other words a waste of time.
I am not concerned about optics, they already do screencap and whine at every single thing that ML's do. I am not here to put on a front, and I will not play along with someone who is obviously completely uninterested in the conversation at hand and obviously not here in good faith. Those types of people are not welcome here, and I will not coddle and tolerate that.
Anarchists are perfectly fine to me, especially if they are interested in ML or anarchist theory and its nuance. In fact, many are very amicable and come away from the conversation having both learned and taught something.
Internet Anarkiddies on the other hand are an utter waste of time.
I know tone is difficult to convey across text, and I do not mean to come across as vindictive and hostile for no reason. I just will not tolerate a reddit debatebro anarachist, and do not want them here.