I have made a brick in blender.
A community for users of the awesome, open source, free, animation, modeling, procedural generating, sculpting, texturing, compositing, and rendering software; Blender.
I have already made donut and chair. I just came up with most stupid idea just to get something done and stop procrastinating.
That's exactly how to get better at Blender. Fuck around and find out (how to do things).
Depending on your specs, and what you're trying to learn next, dive into simulations, geometry nodes or basic rigging/animation. You'll have tons of rabbit holes to dive into.
I also suggest looking into Ian Hubert's Lazy Blender Tutorials, they're all 1 minute videos giving you hints about the workflow from idea to rendered scene. Great for practise without blatantly copying all steps from a video.
Oh and grab some free textures from Quixel, Poliigon or Polyhaven. Procedural textures are cool and all but there's nothing like photoscanned textures if you're looking for realism without spending too much time hand-crafting shaders.