Hello and welcome
1: Be polite
2: Posts to this community must be requests for help learning python.
3: Replies in this community must be pertinent to the question OP asked.
4: No replies copy / pasted from ChatGPT or similar.
5: No advertising. No blogs/tutorials/videos/books/recruiting attempts.
This means no posts advertising blogs/videos/tutorials/etc, no recruiting/hiring/seeking others posts. We're here to help, not to be advertised to.
Please, no "hit and run" posts, if you make a post, engage with people that answer you. Please do not delete your post after you get an answer, others might have a similar question or want to continue the conversation.
I'm glad you did this! Thank you for spreading the joy of learning and curating a place for personal python development. I look forward to being a part of this community as it grows.