world tour
Memes. For metal music.
Don't be an ass and try to keep the gatekeeping and whatnot to a minimum. Memes from all sorts of metal genres and bands are welcome here.
You forgot the part where the US is only CA and NY.
And Canada is just Toronto
Or in some cases not Canada at all . But definitely not where I live .
And australia is only Sydney and Melbourne (this coming from a Perth lad)
For musical tours it's usually something more like: Seattle, LA, a big city in Texas, Minneapolis OR Chicago, Atlanta, NYC and sometimes Boston. But I take your point lol
The odd thing to me is the Minneapolis or Chicago. In pure numbers, it should be Chicago every time, but Minneapolis seems to draw a strangely outsized amount of musical acts. I think it's because MSP is a big airline hub. Or something? I honestly don't know.